OUR VISION is to be Zimbabwe’s leading gold mining company by the end of 2022, bringing wealth from below the ground above it, creating value for our people now and in generations to come.



OUR MISSION IS SIMPLE: To safely innovate, explore, evaluate, define, build and operate gold mining assets in a world class way. We do this sustainably to improve the lives of our people now and for generations to come by bringing ore from below the ground above it to extract wealth and distribute value.









MINES ARE not found, they are BUILT!


The ability to make good decisions, judgements and take quick action.



Absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit; lively interest. Intense and eager enjoyment, interest or approval.


The state of being strong and active; energy. Exuberant physical strength and mental vigor. Capacity for the survival or continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence.


The capacity to withstand great force or pressure. The quality necessary in dealing with volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous situations.


Results that have been achieved successfully.


The fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.


A quality that includes the essential human virtues; compassion and humanity. Acknowledgement that “I am” because “you are”.

Call: +263 773 585 150. Email: sales@oneaugust.co.zw


Head Office:

1 Tyward Close, Ballantyne Park, Harare, Zimbabwe


Registered Office:

121 Borrowdale Road, Gunhill, Harare, Zimbabwe


Breckridge Investments (Pvt) Limited

+263 785 694 941

© 2021 Dallaglio by One August - All Rights Reserved



Delta Gold (Pvt) Limited

+263 785 692 940


Email: info@dallaglio.co.zw